
DeciBio's initiative that makes strategy consulting accessible to early-stage start-ups focused on expanding access, equity, and inclusion, is empowering innovations that improve medicine for all patients, driving disruption and innovation in precision medicine.

Our Mission @

ImpactLab makes strategy consulting accessible to early-stage start-ups that expand access, equity, and inclusion. In doing so, we hope to empower innovations that improve medicine for all patients.

Disrupting precision medicine requires investing in innovation that expands access, equity, and inclusion.DeciBio's strategy consulting business already drives disruption and innovation in precision medicine. DeciBio's ImpactLab takes our mission one step further.

Who can Apply?
Equity & Inclusion
Support solutions directly addressing issues of access, equity, and inclusion in precision medicine.

While we work with many companies improving the overall landscape of precision medicine, the ImpactLab program is limited to those whose mission and strategy explicitly focus on reducing disparities in precision medicine access and outcomes.
Empower start-up founders and / or leaders from demographically underrepresented minorities in healthcare (e.g., race, ethnicity, sex, sexuality, gender identity)

Reducing social and cultural barriers to access requires building patient trust in a system that has failed to prioritize the needs of its most vulnerable patient populations. Representation of all patient identities at the highest levels of industry, provider and payor organizations is critical.
Serve start-ups with limited venture backing / capital who have a minimum viable product or late-stage product prototype.

We recognize that consulting services are not always accessible even to start-ups who have raised substantial capital and welcome any applicants for whom this applies. However, priority consideration will be given to start-ups with more limited capital who may have reduced access to strategic advisory support. That said, we will prioritize start-ups with a working product / product profile to maximize actionability and impact of the program.

We encourage other precision medicine start-ups to contact our consulting team to find out other ways we can work together!


Each year, ImpactLab enrolls at least one early-stage start-up in an 8-week program.   During this program, DeciBio provides the start-up with strategic guidance relating to its market and competitive landscape, stakeholder / customer dynamics, and go-to-market / commercial strategy.

While ImpactLab is not 100% "pro bono" (i.e., completely free-of-charge), we significantly reduce our fees and expenses to make the cost of participating as nominal as possible. ImpactLab is designed this way to maximize thoughtful engagement with and implementation of key insights, not to recoup any costs or obtain equity for conducting this not-for-profit program.
Our Process
This year's application is available on our job board.Selected finalists will pitch presentations to ImpactLab's leadership team.ImpactLab will meet with the chosen finalist, to align on project objectives and scope. ImpactLab will complete the project, host an implementation workshop and discussion, and publish the project's case study.
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